General Rules
1. Registrations
Application to enter teams in the league must be forwarded to the League Secretary by the date the League registration form is due in. Four players must be registered with each team, and entry team fee as fixed by the committee must accompany each such application.
2. Clubs admitted to the league must be prepared to accept all members of the league on match nights for the purpose of league and competition matches.
Subject to rule 1 of the constitution.
Clubs not complying with this rule must be prepared to forfeit the points for any unplayed frames. An exception to this rule is made if a player has been barred or suspended by that club. In this case in team events the team involved should play a reserve. In individual and pairs matches the venue will be reversed or played on a neutral table at the discretion of the match secretary.
3. Registration is open to members of both sexes. All young members must be of an age that permits them to enter licensed premises, subject to the rule 1 of the constitution and permitted to play on the table of the club that they register from.
4. Any player that is registered after the initial registration of teams and players in June, must have held membership of the club for a minimum of six months prior to registration. Unless that player resides in the locality of the club, and it could reasonably be held that it would be his or her local club and used as such.
5. Players must only play for the team for which they register. There will be no limit to the number of players registered for a team.
All players registered must be a member of the club they are registered from. Players may play Billiard for any other club, but they must be a member of that club.
6. Should the Hon Secretary have any reason to doubt that a player being registered from a club, in not in fact a member of that club, then the Hon Secretary has the right to ask for proof of membership, i.e. a correctly dated membership card or book.
7. Players signing for teams after the season has started must first fill in the player Registration Form
from the website, submit it to the Secretary then transfer the £8 fee to the League bank account, only then can they play for that team.
8. Composition of teams
No team may play more than one player that has been selected or played at county level as either a junior or senior in that game.
Should another member of that team be selected to play at county level for the first time, he must have been a member of that team for the two previous years in order to carry on playing. Any player that has played at county level many years ago, but considers they should be exempt from his restriction, may apply to the committee for exemption giving their reasons.
9. Any complaint of bad behavior on the part of either home players or visitors, must be made in writing to the Hon Secretary, any such complaint will be investigated by the committee and may lead to expulsion from the league. Any player team or club having been the subject of a complaint will have their conduct monitored by the committee, and may be liable to any action deemed necessary by the committee.
10. Defaulting players
Any players causing a team to be withdrawn after registering for the league, and handbooks are printed. By defaulting on matches, will be subject to a minimum ban of two seasons from the league. Players who feel that they are not to blame may appeal to the committee from reinstatement.
11. Transfers (teams)
The movement of complete teams from one Club to another and retaining their league status, will not be automatic right, and will be granted only for what is considered to be a good reason e.g. closure of a club.
Each individual application will be determined by the league at the AGM whose decision will be final. If such a transfer is granted, then that team must remain with that club for five seasons, or as long as it would take them to attain their position in their division, assuming promotion each year. No team will be granted a second movement without good reason.
12. Transfers (players)
Any player wishing to transform from one club to another must apply to the league Secretary in writing and providing no objection is raised by his former club, then on completion of a transfer form obtained from the league Secretary the transfer will be completed.