slot game online Malaysia Billiard Cup | Guildford and District Snooker League

Billiard Cup

Preliminary Round 

          Day 1 – 4th Mar 2023 – Day 10 – 13th Mar – Closing Date – 29th Mar
Farncombe Soc 3 – 1 Ockford A                              1



Day 1 – 1st Apr – Day 10 – 10th Apr – Closing Date – 10th May
Milford B 1 – 3 Milford A
Ockford B 1 – 3 Farncombe Soc



Date – Wed 5th June – Venue – Farncombe Social – Referees – Graham Clay & Graham Hill
Milford A 1 – 3 Farncombe Soc
  Highest Break : Graham Wilson   37  


                                                            Congratulations To Farncombe Social