Constitution & Rules

< Rules & Constitution 

Precis of the:



1. Constitution

The Guildford League was originated for the purpose of club members to play competitive snooker matches against other club members, and to encourage sportsmanship, and friendly competitiveness.

It was never intended that clubs should search for players from other areas to represent them.

The league will discourage this practice at all times.

The league shall be known as the “guildford & district snooker league” (hereinafter referred to as the league) open to non professional players, from clubs within the Guildford area subject to approval of the general league committee. Players will be accepted by the league at any age, but players under 18 years of age may only play when club rules permit.

1(a). Object

The object of the league shall be to conduct Snooker & Billiard leagues by way of annual competition. To promote team and individual knock out competitions and other tournaments and actively encourage the pursuit of the highest possible standards of play, refereeing and sportsmanship.

2. Trophies

All trophies played for annually belong to the league, and shall not become the property of any one club, or player. Any club or player holding annual trophies must return them immediately on ceasing to have membership of the league. No club or player may hold annual trophies without having membership of the league.

A signature will be given for all annual trophies at presentation night.

The league shall also be responsible for purchasing 5 trophies for the winners and runners up of each division, and other tournaments. These trophies will be available for collection on presentation night, any trophies not collected will be made available at the AGM following the presentation, any trophies remaining uncollected will then go to a charity organization the next day.

3. AGM & league officers

The league shall be composed of President, Vice President, Chairman, Hon Secretary/ Treasurer, who shall be elected at the AGM with the exception of President & Vice President and the committee made up from club snooker secretaries or representatives.

The AGM shall be held each year in June. Rules may only be altered at an AGM or an extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose. Proposals for any such alterations must be received in writing by the Hon Secretary at least 7 days before any such meeting.

Attendance at the AGM shall be open to all registered members of the league. Resolutions affecting all matters concerning the constitution of the league, and all proposals shall be governed by block voting i.e. one vote for each club present at the AGM. Any club not completing its fixtures, may forfeit its vote at the AGM if the General Council deem it necessary.

4. Quorum

An AGM may not be held unless 25% of clubs are present. At meeting of the Sub Committee 5% of clubs must be represented.

5. General executive subcommittee

Management of the league shall be vested in the committee, who shall have the power to raise or impose fees as they think fit for the smooth running of the league.

To coop with effect only until the next AGM any officer who by retirement or resignation or otherwise may be deemed to have relinquished his duties. To suspend any league competition or tournament in the event of lack of support. To withdraw from competition any team that defaults on 3 or more fixtures. The committee may declare void those fixtures already played or make other decisions as may appear just, and expedient.

To effect other such functions as may be considered beneficial to the conduct of league affairs.

6. Management of the league

Management of the league shall be vested in the committee, who shall have the power to raise or impose fees as they think fit for the smooth running of the league

To coopt with effect only until the next AGM any officer who by retirement or resignation or otherwise may be deemed to have relinquished his duties. To suspend any league competition or tournament in the event of lack of support. To withdraw from competition any team that defaults on 3 or more fixtures. The committee may declare void those fixtures already played or make other decisions as may appear just, and expedient.

To effect other such functions as may be considered beneficial to the conduct of league affairs.

7. Banking

All league monies shall be banked with the HSBC.